Do I favor big school or small school? In my opinion, I
believe that small school is better than big school. This is because I think
that when you’re in a smaller school, you get to know your teacher and friends
better than when you’re in a bigger school. If I was to choose between big school
and small school, I would choose big school.
The first main reason why I favor small school is that
you get to know your teacher and friends better than when you’re in big school.
I honestly do not know what the bigger school seems like because all the schools I went in Saipan are small schools. However, when I was in elementary
school, my school was big. There were about 5 classes for one grade level. This
was the reason why I had friends only in my classroom. However, when I came
here, my first school that I went was San VIncente and Dan Dan. These two
schools were not small but not big as Korea. In this school, same as Korea, I
made friends that were only in my classrooms and I didn’t know a lot of
students and teachers in my grade level. When I was 6th grade, I
moved to a smaller school which was Calvary Christian Academy. This was a small
school that had only one classroom for one grade level. After being to both big
and small schools, I think that small schools are better. When I was in CCA, I had
many friends not only in my classroom, but also in higher grade level
classroom. I had close relationships with the teachers in CCA, and I liked
being there.

However, there are also an advantage in attending a big
school. The main reason would be that there would be more cultural differences
and many different types of students. This is good because when you go to
college, you need to face many different types of people and different types of
cultures. Attending big schools would be good in that it prepares you for
college, to be familiar to different types of cultures. When I was in Dan Dan
Elementary School, there were many different types of ethnicity. Starting from Koreans
to Chinese to Chamorro students. This gave me a wider perspective toward many
different things. I knew how to please a Chinese friend and how to please a
Korean friend. Cases like this would prepare not only for college, but also it
will make me into a better person because it makes me look not only into one
type of eyesight, but many. I now can feel how Koreans, Chinese, and Chammorro
people feel, and how to be close with them.
Small and big school have its different advantages and disadvantages.
Small schools make people more united, and big schools give you a more wide
variety of your perspective toward people, things, places, and many others. If
I was to go to a big or small school, I would definitely choose smaller
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