Tuesday 17 September 2013

Cellphone usage in SIS school

No Cell Phones Allowed Clip Art           Many schools restrict the students from using the cellphones. SIS, like the other schools, restricts the usage of phones in school. I usually am pro against this kind of issue. However, cell phone usage in SIS, in my opinion, is not actually needed. Therefore, in one point, I am for this issue, and in one point, I am not. At most cases, the main argument for using the cellphone is, “What if our parents are calling in emergency.” However, this is not actually a valid point because the parents can just call the school and make them know that his or her child have to come to the house because there is an emergency. Students can just ask the teachers if they have to call their parents. And in school, there are no times that you actually need a cellphone. If it’s for a valid reason, the teacher usually gives you the permission.
           Students always argue if they should be given the right to the usage of cellphones during they’re in school. Most of the time, the answer is no. This is because there is always a good reason for such rejection. The main reason is because if you’re on the cellphone, you are distracted from the message and games. You will not be able to focus on school works. And when you’re on the phone, the teacher does not know whether you are doing facebook or actually doing their work. However, there are times that cellphones do come in handy. When we’re doing school works in school, the teachers are there to help you through. However, if many people are asking the teacher, you might not get the answer in time. In this situation, if you’re allowed to use cellphone during class, they can just get out their phone and research about something they do not know.
           If cellphones would be allowed in school, there won’t be much paperworks. If we could use it, teachers wouldn’t always have to print out the things that he or she gives to the class. They can just tell them to get out their phone and find the, for example, ‘I Have A Dream,” in their phone. This would save a lot of papers and it would reduce the time that are took away for printing. However, if phones are allowed, there is the bad side. If everyone is using their cellphones, the teachers would not be able to handle all of the students. They won’t know if they’re texting or if they’re playing games on their phone. This would be a problem that can’t be solved for many reasons. Cellphones should be allowed because sometimes, when we have a practice on school activities after school, we have to call our parents. Because after a certain time, the office closes, and if everyone leaves from school. You won’t be able to contact your parents. You would have to stay at the school for a long time until your parents come. This should be a valid excuse.

           Cellphones are also disruptions to students. This is because when you’re on the phone, without even knowing, you might get a text and it feels as if you have to answer it. This would be a disruption because if you answer a text, the other person will reply back. And this cycle will go on and on. This is a bad idea because if you’re using the phone, you would at least search the internet. You get the temptation to surf on the internet, message your friends, or play game son the phone.

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