Sunday 22 September 2013

My bucket list

             Every once in a while, a person creates his or her bucket lists. Bucket lists are the lists that you want to do before you die. Most of the people just set their limits to a small amount. However, there is a saying that says the bigger you dream , the better the result is. So you have to dream high and aim high. My bucket lists includes, skydiving, going on a bag trip, and going on a trip over the world. Skydiving needs courage and time to do, and I lacked those over the past years. And going on a bag trip was my first goal when I was young, and I would like to keep up my goal. Next one is when I marry and have children, I would like to go on a trip around the world with my family.
             My first goal is to do skydiving. Whenever I go to Korea, I go with a hope of completing my dream. This summer, I tried to do skydiving, but I couldn’t. I decided with my brother to go skydiving together. However, when we tried to go, there was not enough time. When my brother was out, I had time to go skydiving. On the other hand, if he had time, I was outside. Therefore, it was hard to manage the time to go skydiving. If I could have, I would have liked to go skydiving in Korea. My bucket list before skydiving was doing bungee jump. Last year’s summer, I went to Korea, and I did bungee jump with my cousins. It was fearful at first time, but after I did it, it was pretty fun.
             My next goal is to go on a bag trip to either Europe or any other famous places. When I finish college and have time to do things that I want, I would buy a ticket to France, Italy, or other places, camera, and other stuff that I need and go on a bag trip. When I was young, my dream was to become a photographer, but as I grew older, I decided to put it aside as a hobby. However, I still want to go on a trip to France and just tour the country by myself. It would be challenging and tough, but it would be interesting because I would get to meet different types of people with different backgrounds. What I liked to do when I was young is to face different kinds of foods and cultures. So, I would like to go to different countries and encounter new cultures and new foods. This would give me a brighter eye to the world. I would also like to go to famous places in France and take pictures. This is my second goal in my bucket list.

             After I marry and have babies, I would like to take them to a tour around the world. Even when I was young, my parents said that they would go on a world trip with me and my brother. However, it would be difficult because my brother is at college right now, and I would be going to college soon. Therefore, my goal is to go on a trip when my children are young, and enjoy the time. I would like to visit Japan, China, Europe, Britain, South Africa, and all other places. When we go to Japan, we would all go to the onsen and relax our bodies. After spending few days in Japan, we would go to Britain or Europe and have a trip around Europe. 

If I would have super natural ability, what would it be and why?

             Everyone has dreamed of having a super natural power at least once in their life. There are many super natural powers that people dream of. Most famous one is to have invincibility or become super strong. However, when I would be given a super natural power, I would want the power to read someone’s minds. This is a power that most people don’t think of when they think of super natural abilities. However, I think that this is a good super power because reading someone’s minds can change a lot of things. I can first read their mind and give them suggestions that they would like to hear. Next, I can read their minds and get the answers that I would like to get out from that guy.
             There was a series of drama that I watched. It was a story of people with super power competing with each other. The title of the series was “Heroes.” There were many super powers that were appeared in that series. There was the power to steal other people’s ability, power to teleport, power to read minds, invincibility, immortality, and predicting the future. The character that had the super power was the character named Matt Parkman. At first, he didn’t know that he could read other people’s minds. So when he overheard people talking bad about him, he asked them what they just said and he started to understand his power.
             He was a police officer. When he got to the scene where a girl was missing in the house which was just destroyed, other officers said that the girl was kidnapped or killed. Matt Parkman heard a voice of a girl in the house. At first, he didn’t know that was the voice of the girl that was missing. However, as he got closer to the drawer that she was hiding in, he could hear the voice clearer. He could sense that the girl was afraid of getting caught hiding. He went in front of the drawer and told her that everything was fine and he was not a bad guy. He saved a girl using his power, Like him, I wish I could become like him and save other people’s lives if I get the chance to.
             The first reason was that I could read other people’s minds and give them the suggestions that they needed and wanted. When I was young, I started to think that if I knew the mind of the other people, I would not have to fight with the person I liked. If this happened, I could tell the person that I know exactly you feel and talk with the person and become closer to that person. This would increase my social skill.
             The next reason was that I could read other people’s minds and get the answers. Everyone has secrets. There are times that I ask something and they just say I don’t know. In this case, I could just read that person’s mind and find out the answer. I could ask the person if they liked me or not. And that person might say yes, but say no in the inside. Then I would know who to hang around with and who not to hang around with. I could also talk with animals and communicate with them. Ever since I was young, I wanted to talk to my dog. If I could read his mind, I could talk to him and be more close to the dog.
             Like this, I wish I could have the power to read other people’s minds.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

What are three things that would make my life perfect?

           Everyone wants a perfect life. Many people think that if they have the things they need, they can live forever. If people are asked about how to make their life perfect, it is usually money. However, in my opinion, I think that the three things that I need to make my perfect would be money, friend, and knowledge. Money would buy anything that a person needs, friends will support you when you need help, and knowledge would help you guide through your life.
           First of all, all people want to have money. This is true because, you can do anything with money. You can buy many stuff that you need or you want. If I was to have billions of money, I would first buy a car, a house, and many others. This is when I would grow up to age of 20 until I die. At 20’s I would First go to a good college to make me a better person. When you have money, you can buy anything you want. I would buy a boat, because when I was young, I dreamed that my whole family would go on a world trip by boat. We would first sail off at Korea to place that we never went, such as Europe, and other places that we want to go. Money can almost buy everything. However, there is two things that a person can’t buy with money. It is friend and knowledge.
           Even if you have billions of money, if you don’t have friends, it would be useless. There are people that pretend to be your friend because of your money. These people are not the true friends that one needs. What I mean by friend is a person who can cry with you if you are going through a hard time, and who can laugh with you if you have something to celebrate. Friends are the most important thing that you can get in your life. When you grow up, you need a person to drink with you. Friends are the people that you can tell your secrets and rely when you need help. As you grow older, there are more times that you will face difficulties. However, if there are friends next to your side, you can cry out your worries. You friend will be there when you need a shoulder to cry upon. There are times that friends also come in handy. When you need advices, you can easily ask your friends and work together to find the solution.
           Another thing that I think would make my life perfect is knowledge. Knowledge is what you can’t buy with money or obtained through friends. Knowledge is something that you need to gain by working hard. However, if I could get three things instantly, I would pick knowledge first. There is a phrase that my dad told me when I was young. It was that a pen can beat a sword. This means that if I have the knowledge, pen in this case, I could beat the sword. This is because when you just have a sword, you can only threaten or kill a few. However, if you have a pen or knowledge, you can persuade the people to follow your words. And without killing people, you can change their minds.

           People try to make their life perfect. However, to make a person’s perfect, they need something to make it better. Although money is a good source of a perfect life, friends and knowledge would be the two best source that can make my life perfect.

Cellphone usage in SIS school

No Cell Phones Allowed Clip Art           Many schools restrict the students from using the cellphones. SIS, like the other schools, restricts the usage of phones in school. I usually am pro against this kind of issue. However, cell phone usage in SIS, in my opinion, is not actually needed. Therefore, in one point, I am for this issue, and in one point, I am not. At most cases, the main argument for using the cellphone is, “What if our parents are calling in emergency.” However, this is not actually a valid point because the parents can just call the school and make them know that his or her child have to come to the house because there is an emergency. Students can just ask the teachers if they have to call their parents. And in school, there are no times that you actually need a cellphone. If it’s for a valid reason, the teacher usually gives you the permission.
           Students always argue if they should be given the right to the usage of cellphones during they’re in school. Most of the time, the answer is no. This is because there is always a good reason for such rejection. The main reason is because if you’re on the cellphone, you are distracted from the message and games. You will not be able to focus on school works. And when you’re on the phone, the teacher does not know whether you are doing facebook or actually doing their work. However, there are times that cellphones do come in handy. When we’re doing school works in school, the teachers are there to help you through. However, if many people are asking the teacher, you might not get the answer in time. In this situation, if you’re allowed to use cellphone during class, they can just get out their phone and research about something they do not know.
           If cellphones would be allowed in school, there won’t be much paperworks. If we could use it, teachers wouldn’t always have to print out the things that he or she gives to the class. They can just tell them to get out their phone and find the, for example, ‘I Have A Dream,” in their phone. This would save a lot of papers and it would reduce the time that are took away for printing. However, if phones are allowed, there is the bad side. If everyone is using their cellphones, the teachers would not be able to handle all of the students. They won’t know if they’re texting or if they’re playing games on their phone. This would be a problem that can’t be solved for many reasons. Cellphones should be allowed because sometimes, when we have a practice on school activities after school, we have to call our parents. Because after a certain time, the office closes, and if everyone leaves from school. You won’t be able to contact your parents. You would have to stay at the school for a long time until your parents come. This should be a valid excuse.

           Cellphones are also disruptions to students. This is because when you’re on the phone, without even knowing, you might get a text and it feels as if you have to answer it. This would be a disruption because if you answer a text, the other person will reply back. And this cycle will go on and on. This is a bad idea because if you’re using the phone, you would at least search the internet. You get the temptation to surf on the internet, message your friends, or play game son the phone.

Are people in the past kinder or modern days kinder?

           As generations pass, people’s characteristics change. There is an argument that determines whether people in the past are kinder, or the modern days people are kinder. I personally think that this is a good argument to be brought up. I think that people in the past are kinder and friendlier than before. This is because nowadays, people have computers and technology so that they can’t focus on interacting with other people. Next, people are too much busy and self-centered that they do not care about other people. People also had more time that they spent together as friends and families than nowadays.
           In the past, there was no technology and no computer. If there is no technology, they have to talk to people in order to catch up. However, nowadays, anyone that has a computer and an access to the internet can stay all night spending time on front of the computer. They would just stay in their house playing games or watching movies. Before, when people tried to watch a movie, they would have to go out to a movie theater and wait until they could watch it. During that time, many people interacted with different kinds of people. However, people nowadays are different. They just watch a movie in their house and do not go out to socialize with other people. They also can do facebook and other internet society, so they do not care about what they say. Therefore, they just say something bad about a person and no one cares about it. This should ber changed.
           People nowadays are too busy with their stuff and too much self-centered. They only think about themselves. When I was in Korea this summer, I was riding a public transportation to meet my friends. When I rode the bus, I saw a spot empty. However, when I was young, I was taught to spare the seat if there is an elder that is standing. I was sitting there for about 10 minutes when I saw a grandmother that was standing up with a bag in her hand. Without hesitating, I told her to sit in my place so that she could stay more comfortable. I, as a teenager, can stay standing way more than the elders. However, I rode the subway. There was too many people inside the subway station, and especially at the train. When I was looking around for seats, there was too many elders standing up. In front of them were teenagers sitting and using their cellphones. They did not look or even bother to look at the elders that were standing. Like this, society has become wicked and not caring for other people. This is the reason why I think that people in the past are friendlier than modern people.
           Lastly, people could gather with their cousins and families on holidays and spend money to celebrate them. However, nowadays, people do not even care about the cousins. I had a friend in Korea who had an uncle. The uncle and the aunt were always left out during a family reunion. I asked why, and he said that his uncle was not caring about the family and just minding his own business. People nowadays are unfriendly and care only about themselves. Before, they always gathered around and did at least a campfire and camping. However, nowadays, we don’t see many people who are camping with their families. They always just stay at their house and just do their own things.

           Societies should be changed and people should be friendlier to people who are worthy of respect. 

Favorite Hero

           Everyone has a hero that they want to follow in their life. As a child, we get the sense that super heroes are real, and we want to become like one of them. Super heroes, such as Superman, batman, Ironman, and Hulk each have different abilities. My favorite super hero is Ironman. Every hero gets interests when they come out. Such as batman using his bat mobile and supplies that he bought and installed. When Superman came out, everyone was surprised. He was known to come from the other planet to save the earth. When spiderman came out, people were fascinated by the idea of a person getting bitten by a spider and having spider abilities. Like any heroes, Iron man became famous immediately after he came out. From the time Ironman came out, I started to make him my hero. There are many reasons to follow my decisions.
  War Machine and Iron Man, Iron Man wallpapers           When Ironman came out, everyone was obsessed with Iron man. When I first watched it, it was fascinating. All the super hero movies that I watched all looked fake. Such as Spiderman, who was bitten by a spider, now could shoot spider webs. Even at young age, I could tell that it was fake. However, Iron man was different. He was made out of suits that Tony Start actually made himself.. It was interesting to see a hero with natural powers beat up a villain. His only power is that he is brilliant enough to make his suits. In Iron Man 3, he gets serious damage and his suits get destroyed. However, with his cleverness and his natural ability, he figured out a way to survive. Iron man is a good hero in that he only uses his suit and his cleverness to challenge against his villains. Although he is bitten up sometimes, he gets back up and seek for a revenge on the bad guys.
           The second reason why I made Iron Man my hero is because he is confident and generous. Iron man came out on the movie Avengers. It had many super heroes gathered together to fight. Although he knew that he was just a human inside his suit, he fought bravely. Every hero has a power that they gain when they become unnatural. However, Iron man could die if his suits were gone. Despite his danger, he risked his life when he took the atomic bomb away from the country to prevent the black hole from taking over the Earth. He was truly a hero when he risked his life for other people, including the people that he didn’t know. He was just a human who uses his natural ability and risks his life for the people that serve him as a hero. If he was indifferent from other heroes, he would have known that he had unnatural power, and he would easily risk his life. However, Iron man was different. Despite the fact that he is a human being, he risked his life for the life of a thousands.
           The third reason is that he doesn’t fall back by his power from other heroes. In the movie Avengers, he fights along with Hulk, Thor, Captain America, other strong heroes. When he needed help, Hulk and other heroes came in for him. When other heroes needed help, he blasted through the air and saves other heroes. Although he should be falling back because of his power, he fights well enough to be equal to other heroes.

           Although many people have different views toward a super hero, my favorite hero is Iron Man. Some people might have a different perspective as me, but as far as I’m concerned, Iron Man is my most favorite hero. 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Seven Types of Greed

             There are seven types of deadly sins in the world today. It is greed, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth, wrath, and pride. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. Many people call it avarice. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasure of the body. Envy is the desire for others’ traits, status, abilities, or situation. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Wrath is also known as anger or rage. It is described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger.
             In my opinion, I think that I am guiltiest of the sin, sloth. Sloth is also known as laziness or sluggishness. The reason why I think that I am lazy is because whenever I’m required to do something, I kind of do it late. Also, when I’m doing my homework, I usually lie down on my bed and do it. Once, I was lying down on the bed and fell asleep. After I woke up, I was going to watch the television, so I tried to look for the remote control. It was like four feet apart. I tried to reach it with my hand, but I couldn’t. So I decided to not watch the TV and go back to sleep. Whenever my mom wakes me up, I always lie on the bed asking for 5 more minutes. My mom is the type of mom that doesn’t spank a child if they don’t do what they told them to do. Therefore, whenever my mom try to wake me up, I can’t actually what she’s saying and I just go back to sleep. This would be a bad habit, and I would like to fix my problem.
             There was one time in Korea when I was in the subway station. There was an escalator and the stairs. I tried to go on the escalator but there were too many people. On the other hand, there were like no people on the stairs. A lot of people like me are lazy to even walk a little bit because there is a more convenient way of doing things. They just want the world to give them what they want without trying hard. People nowadays are like that and they should change. This would lead to many people being lazy and making the world a slow pace world.
             There is one more sin I am guilty of. It is greed. Whenever I want something, I need more than that. Even when I was young, if I saw anything I liked, I asked and begged my mom to buy it. Like this cases, I am very guilty of my sins. I am guilty of my greed and sloth. This two combined is the worst. Even until now, I sometimes feel greed. Greed is something that you have to get rid of in your life to make your life better. I also have greed towards stuff that I want to buy. When I was in Korea, I got allowances from my parents and cousins. I first went to the mall that sold clothes and other stuffs. My brother and I went to the clothing section and on the first day, we bought clothes amounting up to $300. However, after few days later, I was looking for my clothes and I thought that it wasn’t enough. The next week, I went again to buy more clothes. Even after that, I was constantly buying clothes and using my money.

Monday 2 September 2013

My Favorite Trip

           My favorite trip was the trip to Korea. This year, I went to Korea. I was excited because it was a long time since I went back to Korea. At first, I was supposed to stay in Saipan, however, when my parents found out that in order for me to stay in Saipan, I had to get F-1 visa. Therefore, I had to go to Korea to get my VISA. When I first heard that I am going to Korea, I had no idea what I had to do to get my F-1 Visa, I was just excited that I could finally go to Korea. I was going Korean alone, so I was in the airport alone. When I was going to the airplane, I had to wait in the waiting lounge for almost two hours. Without anyone to talk to, I was very lonely and bored.
           When I rode the airplane, there was a woman next to me, about the age of 30’s. I felt uncomfortable next to her, but fortunately, she left. Therefore, I had two seats for myself. However, I was bored out of my mind because I had no one to talk to. I finally arrived in Korea. My brother came to greet me. It was so nice to meet my brother because my brother left before me to Korea. My brother said that I grew bigger.
           I had to stay in my auntie’s house. When I first went there, it was kind of dirty. But as I became adapted to the house, it was so nice. There was my aunt’s daughter. She’s 3 years old. She is the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. Before, she couldn’t talk, but now, she grew bigger and she said oppa to me. At first, she was shy and couldn’t come near me. After a while, she kept on following me, and she said that I’m the best. My dream is to have a baby just like that.
           At first, I had nothing to do, but my friends started to contact me to play. They called me and told me to come to Hongdae. I had just woken up, and I really didn’t want to go. The time it took for me to go to Hongdae from my place, was about 2 to 3 hours. But since I was so bored, I decided that I should go. I rode the subway and went. There were a lot of people in the subway station. There were people that sold many useless things inside the subway, and some people that begged for money. One of my friend’s place was on the way to Hongdae from my place. So I called her and told her to meet and go together. She was my close friend in Saipan, and she called me her bro. However, I was 30 minutes late to her place. She wasn’t mad, but I felt sorry because she had to stay in the subway station for 30 minutes.
           We finally arrived in Hongdae, and we looked for the other people. We all met, and we thought of the things to do. First, we decided to watch a movie because the time was perfect to watch. We watched World War Z, and it was exciting and thrilling. After that, we went to a Hello Kitty Café. Me and my friend, who was a boy, were like no we’re not going in there, we’re going to look like gays. However, the girls dragged us in there, and it was my first time being in there. Even though it was embarrassing, it was fun. We took pictures and went back to each one’s home.

           Korea, although I was born there, is a place that I would like to go every year. I look forward to going back to Korea next year.