This blog is about what I think of truth. Truth is one of
the most important things that a person should believe in. Everyone should be
truthful and honest, because they are the essential things in a good, virtuous
person. If someone isn’t honest they lose everyone’s trust and not only that,
but they lose everyone’s respect and their reputation is ruined. Being a
dishonest liar is probably one of the worst things that someone can be. My
parents were strict to make sure I never lied or was dishonest. I’d always have
to tell the truth. Even if I did something bad, I would have to tell them the
truth of what I did and not lie to them and try to hide it or else I would get
in more trouble. They taught me that honesty is really important, and without
honesty, I cannot be a respectable, good, trustworthy, reliable, person. This
is honesty when dealing with family and parents. It also applies with
relationships too.

believe that honesty is really essential in a good relationship. It strengthens
relationships when both partners can trust the other partner enough to tell
them anything they think they should know whatever is on their mind. It makes
the couple feel more connected and lets them have a stronger, more honest, and
close relationship. There are certain things you may think that you should keep
to yourself and not tell. You may think that isn’t really considered lying, but
it is. When you know something and you think the other person should know, but
you still don’t tell them, or tell them only a little part of it, it is
technically lying. You should tell the truth, and the full truth. That is
honesty. Honesty is defined to me as being the truth, the full truth, and
nothing but the truth. I know it’s hard to tell the truth sometimes. Sometimes
you don’t want to tell someone something because you’re scared they will get
mad or be angry with you because of what you did. But you still have to tell
them. You should not be scared to tell them the truth, they will appreciate
that you are honest and had the guts to tell them. They will understand that it
was a hard thing to do, but they will really appreciate that you decided to
tell them the truth, instead of hide it or lie to them. You might think telling
the truth will turn out badly and they will be mad at you, but that is really
as wrong as it can get. They will appreciate it. Not only will they be glad you
told them the truth, but you, yourself, will also be glad. Just like the old
saying, “The truth will set you free.” It really will set you free. You will be
glad that you were able to tell and you will feel accomplished. You will feel
great knowing you have nothing to hide anymore, like a great weight has been
lifted off your chest. This is what I think of truth. It is the one of the most
important things in being a good person. I’m glad my parents taught me this
when I was young so I know this now. Hopefully, more people in the world know
this and learn for this so that they can be more truthful and honest.
Dishonesty is really a bad thing. Thanks for reading. Wait for my next blog!
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