Thursday, 12 December 2013

Quotes to live by

             Ten quotes that I live by. People follow different types of quotes that fit into their life. My ten quotes starts off with “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” This is a quote that I heard from elementary school from my parents. At first, I didn’t know that putting aside was a bad thing, however, there are times that I put aside what can be done. To be honest, there are times when I put aside blogs. I believe that putting aside is a bad thing and I should fix it.
             The next quote is “Never spend your money before you have it.” I think this is an important quote because there are times when you waste your money because you think that you have enough money. However, if you start using them and wasting them, that money would disappear quickly. You should save your money and use it later when you can afford to support yourself.
             The third quote is “When angry, count ten, before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.” This means that you should calm down when you get mad, because there is no good thing happening if you are angry and use that anger upon other people. If you are angry, you should control that anger by counting to 10, and even up to 100.
             The fourth quote is a quote that my family used as a quote to live by. It is, “If you don’t sweat, you can’t succeed.” Therefore you should always work hard and sweat. This is because if you work hard, you will have to sweat and this quote was made to say if you don’t work hard, you can’t succeed, which is true. Without hard work, you can’t succeed.
             The fifth quote is “When you can’t change the direction of the wind — adjust your sails.” by H. Jackson Brown. This is a quote that says if you can’t meet the standards of the environment, you should change your mind towards other possibilities. This is true because not everything will go as your will, and sometimes you need to think that there are other ways to your achievement and should quickly change your route by adjusting your sails.
             Sixth quote is “Always be true to your friends, just as you are to yourself.” This is a important quote because you should always treat your friends as your friends which are there until you die. You should be true to them because if you are not true to them, they won’t be true to you. You should tell the truth, and your friends should tell the truth.
             The seventh quote is “Sometimes, all it takes is your smile.” I believe that this is true because if you don’t smile, you can’t be happy. Even if you are sad, the least you should do is not smile because it will make you feel worse. However, if you smile, you will start to feel better. Therefore, you should always keep your smile on even in hard times.
             The eighth quote is “Your attitude defines your personality. Your personality refines your attitude. Together they make up your character.” You should change your attitude if people say that you have a bad attitude because if you have a bad attitude, you will have bad personality. They usually go together and you should keep the two things clean and good.
             The ninth quote is “In a world of words, anything is possible...” This is a quote that says if you read books, you will gain knowledge to do anything. This isn’t true, but I follow by it because it inspires me to read.
             The last quote is the most important and that is “Dreams come true.” Dreams are achievable and will come true if you truly believe in it.

             These ten quotes are the quotes that I live by on.  

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