Thursday 12 December 2013

Meaning of life

           Meaning of life is today’s topic. I believe that there are many characteristics of meaning. Some people might think it as money, and some people might think it as having a family and enjoying your life. It depends on the person and I believe that meaning of life can be described as having a good family and living a good life.
           I believe that life is something that can be determined by the family that you live with. When I grow up, I would like to go on a trip with my family on a cruise. My dream since when I was young was to go on a cruise trip to many different world. We would start off in Korea and start visiting many places. I would like to go on a world trip with my family. Even when I was young, I liked to go around and visit many places. I did not like to stay in one place, but I always looked for a place to go. I always begged my parents to go to the museum and other national park to play. They knew that I liked going to many different places, so they followed my decisions.
           Another meaning could be money. I believe that if you have money, you can do almost everything. The one thing that I want to do with money is to buy a mansion or a big house in different parts of the world. I would build one in Korea, one in United States, one in Japan, and other places. I would also buy a plane so that I can move from place to place any time I want. And, I always wanted a nice car, so I would buy a Lamborghini, just like anyone else’s dreams, and drive it around.
           Meaning of life is determined on the quality of the person. Poor people’s meaning of life could be despair, sad, and hard. This is because the life that they are living right now is not as great as the person of a big house. The poor people would accept the meaning of life as hard and they might also think of suicide. However, the meaning of life to rich people would be better. They would think of the life as beautiful, luxurious, and easy.

           Meaning of life is described in many ways. People believe that life is money. They would do anything that they can do with money and spend in on a lot of stuffs. However, some people might feel life as happiness. They would want a better family and better life before money. I think that happiness comes before money because if you are not happy, despite the amount of money you have, it will not bring you happiness and your life wouldn’t be worthy of living. 


       The blog I’m writing this time will be about art. What is the truth in art, to me? Art is something wonderful. It is something that someone can appreciate and see the value in. Something is art if they can appreciate it. Some examples of art is the famous Mona Lisa, or Pablo Picasso paintings, or symphonies by Beethoven, or great albums by the Beatles, or other great works that everyone knows about. The Google dictionary definition online is “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” That is the first definition. The other definition is “the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.”
        Art can take many different forms. Art can take form, just like the definition, in paintings, music, literature, and dance, and even more things. There are also different types of art that I can think of, like visual arts. Art can be anything, and can be seen in many different forms. Art, to the trained eye, is the most beautiful thing in the world. That is like when people say “This is truly a work of art” when they see something amazing and beautiful. It is to them a great treasure they can appreciate and see the value in. If something is truly art to someone, then they should be willing to go great heights and give a lot to see it, or to have it. This is why you have probably heard of certain famous paintings sell for millions and millions of dollars. You’d think it is ridiculous that someone would pay millions or even billions of dollars for a painting the size of a small poster and with paint and canvas cost only about ten dollars to make. Why would people do this? Because they are able to see the true beauty and the value in that particular painting, and can appreciate it. 

        What I see in art is different. In art, I see something amazing. I think that art can be found anywhere, at any time, and that anyone can make art. You do not have to be a well known painter or a well known singer or symphony composer in order to make a piece of art. All you need is an inspiration and some supplies, and just that great mind. You have to be creative and do something with your heart. It won’t be art if you do not do your best and put your mind and soul into it. It just would not work. But since everyone has the ability to put their whole mind and soul into something if they are really inspired and have the heart to do something, anyone and everyone is capable of creating art. Art is a wonderful thing and art is everywhere. You know art when you see it, because art isn’t the same to everyone. Art is different for different people. But once you can appreciate something greatly, and see the value in it. Then it is art, and you’ll know it. 


             Justice is determining whether something is right or wrong. This distinction is made in every different situation. Because of the fact that it will be too long to write about the ever broad definition of justice, in this essay, I will address the issue of justice as applied to heroism.
             If a person sees 100 dollars on the ground, it’s the right thing to leave it there or pick it up and find the owner. The wrong thing to do is to pick it up and use it yourself. The justice that people think might change depending on the person. A person might think that picking it up and using it is okay because it’s the fault of the owner to fail to hold onto it. They will use it because they think that if they do not pick it up, other person would later pick it up and use it as theirs too. Therefore the first one to pick it up would be the new owner. This is something that people often misunderstand. I believe that if a person finds a 100 dollar bills, you have to give it back to the owner or give it to the police station so that they can find the owner.
             I believe that heroes are often thought first when the word justice comes up. They always do the right thing and what benefits everyone. In Batman, the movie which many children like. At the last, batman sacrifices himself to the benefit of the common people. There was a bomb that was just about to explode, and batman thought about bringing it to the space and exploding it there. It was a tough choice for him because he knew that he was going to die. However, because he was hero, he knew that what he will do is the right thing. He went to his helicopter and carried the bomb himself to outer space and exploded with the bomb.
             The jury is also a part where justice plays a role. In the jury, the judge decides if the person is guilty or not guilty. It’s the same thing as determining if it’s the right thing or not. Many criminals commit crimes when they feel threatened or some people do it out of fun. Robbers are people who needs money. They can’t live if they do not steal other people’s stuff. It’s the jury’s decision to decide if that robber should get a life sentence or just a light punishment. There are people who commit murder because they feel threatened. There are many people nowadays who are chased by people because of their debts. These people might commit murder because if they do not pay and run away, they will be the one who would be dead. Therefore, judge have to be careful to give him the correct punishment. The jury should decide whether it is right or wrong.

             Justice is determining whether it is right or wrong. People have different perspectives toward this topic, and it changes from person to person. Some people have a wider view of justice and some people have narrow view. Justice should be equalized and it should not only bring peace.


This blog is about what I think of truth. Truth is one of the most important things that a person should believe in. Everyone should be truthful and honest, because they are the essential things in a good, virtuous person. If someone isn’t honest they lose everyone’s trust and not only that, but they lose everyone’s respect and their reputation is ruined. Being a dishonest liar is probably one of the worst things that someone can be. My parents were strict to make sure I never lied or was dishonest. I’d always have to tell the truth. Even if I did something bad, I would have to tell them the truth of what I did and not lie to them and try to hide it or else I would get in more trouble. They taught me that honesty is really important, and without honesty, I cannot be a respectable, good, trustworthy, reliable, person. This is honesty when dealing with family and parents. It also applies with relationships too.
                I believe that honesty is really essential in a good relationship. It strengthens relationships when both partners can trust the other partner enough to tell them anything they think they should know whatever is on their mind. It makes the couple feel more connected and lets them have a stronger, more honest, and close relationship. There are certain things you may think that you should keep to yourself and not tell. You may think that isn’t really considered lying, but it is. When you know something and you think the other person should know, but you still don’t tell them, or tell them only a little part of it, it is technically lying. You should tell the truth, and the full truth. That is honesty. Honesty is defined to me as being the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth. I know it’s hard to tell the truth sometimes. Sometimes you don’t want to tell someone something because you’re scared they will get mad or be angry with you because of what you did. But you still have to tell them. You should not be scared to tell them the truth, they will appreciate that you are honest and had the guts to tell them. They will understand that it was a hard thing to do, but they will really appreciate that you decided to tell them the truth, instead of hide it or lie to them. You might think telling the truth will turn out badly and they will be mad at you, but that is really as wrong as it can get. They will appreciate it. Not only will they be glad you told them the truth, but you, yourself, will also be glad. Just like the old saying, “The truth will set you free.” It really will set you free. You will be glad that you were able to tell and you will feel accomplished. You will feel great knowing you have nothing to hide anymore, like a great weight has been lifted off your chest. This is what I think of truth. It is the one of the most important things in being a good person. I’m glad my parents taught me this when I was young so I know this now. Hopefully, more people in the world know this and learn for this so that they can be more truthful and honest. Dishonesty is really a bad thing. Thanks for reading. Wait for my next blog!


           Happiness. The topic for today is happiness, and this would be a easy topic for me because I began thinking about happiness when I was young. The definition of happiness might be a state of well being and contentment, joy. However, I have a different definition for happiness. I believe that happiness can be defined by a smile. Everyone has a smile, it’s just that some people can’t use them properly. Smile can only be present if you think that you are in a good mood or you are entertained. There are people with no smile, and those are the people who face difficult situations daily and need help. However, there are people with smile who have a good life. In order to have a happy life, your family needs to support the environment where you can smile because happiness is one key that many people agrees on. I believe that my life right now can be described as happiness.
           There are people with no smiles, and those are the people who are suffering hard situations. When a person is not happy, he is unable to live life properly. They can’t work hard for anything because if you are not happy of what you’re doing, it’s hard for you to continue that. If you come to this situation, you only live day by day, and you don’t think about the future. You just live that day and hope you can live the next one. There are so many people in the world today who lost their happiness from long time ago. If you see any people who lost their happiness, their smile and emotions are gone. Therefore, I believe that happiness can be defined as a smile.
           I honestly think that the life I’m living right now is a happy life. I can smile in so many different ways. I can talk with my friends and laugh, look at my family and smile with them, and I can also look forward to my family reuniting later on after I finish army. When I am with my family, there are only happy feelings that come inside of me. There might be at least some bad and mean feelings, but overall, I believe that I am living a happy life.
           Another people who lost their smile is people who lost something from their life. They do not know the concept of happiness because they have lost theirs. A common example is a wife of a husband who is in the army. After time passes after the husband goes into the battle field, the wife finds out that her husband has died in action. If you are in this situation, you can’t smile. Your perspective for life would turn upside down. From happy life with kids and a big house to emptiness of the husband. People like this can’t smile and they know that their life isn’t happy.

           There are different types of perspective people have about happiness. However, I think that it is smile. When you are happy, the first thing that came into my head was a smile. This would be because if you are happy, you can’t control your emotions and a smile just comes out. However, there are also people who have lost that smile. They know that their life can’t be fixed and they are not happy with their lives. However, if you say that you are not happy, you will always be unhappy. Therefore, my tip for you is to always smile, especially when you have a hard time. 

How to connect to others?

           Today’s topic is How do I connect to others? There are many ways to connect to other people. Those ways include sign languages, conversation, and sharing feelings. There are many times when you need friends or someone next to you. In this situations, you might get into the question of how do I connect to other people? How do I connect and get along with them? My answer to this is to approach to the people first
    In order to connect to other people and communicate with them, you first have to go to them and start a conversation. The other people might feel the same way and feel shy and nervous to talk to each other. However, if you start talking, you will be close quickly. There was a friend that I couldn’t approach because of a reason I had no idea about. At first, he looked as if he had no feelings and he didn’t talk much. I thought about him and thought that he and I would never get along together. However, one day, I started to talk to him and I went to his house. After that day, I knew that he wasn’t a person that I thought him to be. He became my friend.
           Another way to connect to other people is through sign languages. There are people who can’t speak but are fortunate to have eye sights. To these people, you can’t talk to them. In cases like this, you can communicate or connect to the person by sign languages. I saw a movie in Korea when I was young. The story was about a boy who was raised by his grandmother who couldn’t talk. At first, he hated the fact that she couldn’t talk and he felt embarrassed. However, the story ended by the grandmother trying to talk to the grandson by sign languages. The son later learned how to speak sign language, and the son knew the grandmother was the best grandmother in the world.
           There is another way to connect to other people and that’s by sharing your feelings. A way to become close or connected to the person, the best way is to relate yourself to the person. You can tell your experience to the other person and try to communicate with the person. The person might have a similar experience such as you. My brother told me that when he was young, a way to communicate to other people is to make the person understand you, or you trust the other person. I think this is a good idea because this makes you and the person understand each other very well. If I know that the person likes to play basketball and other sports, I can start the conversation by bringing up a sports activity or going out to play with him.

           It might be hard to connect to other people at first, but if you start and keep on trying, it’s going to be easy. You have to approach to the person first and try to understand the person. You can use sign languages. The most important out of all is to share your expriences or stories together with the person.

staying in city and town or traveling around

             Topic for today is it is better to live in the city or town than to move from one place to another. Do you agree or disagree? I would agree with this topic because there are so many advantages to living in one place and not moving around. Although if you move around, you can face many different cultures, if you stay in one place, you can be an expert of that place. I believe that staying in a city or town because you will get to know the people in that city or town better. You can also save money by staying in one place.
             There are many advantages in living in the city or town, and the first main one is that you get to be an expert of that place. A good job is to become a tour guide. If you live in the city of town, you can get to know the place better and maybe use that skill to be a tour guide. Tour guide is a person who tells that a certain place is what kind of place. Such as, going to the Memorial Park, and explaining what happened there and why it is considered as a memorial park. He or she can explain why the importance of that is and so on. If you become an expert of a certain place, you gain respect and knowledge from that place.
             If you move around, there is one advantage. You can face many cultures and you can have different perspectives for many things. When you live in Korea only, you get to know only Korean traditions. However, if you travel to United States, you will also learn US traditions. This is important because people in society are not all Koreans. There are people from China, from US, and all sorts of other places. And if you face many different cultures, you can use that knowledge towards other people. Encountering many different cultures is a good way to improve your social skills.
             Another advantage of staying in a town or city is that you can save money. If you travel around, the cost is huge because you need to buy an airplane ticket, hotel, and so much other things. However, if you stay in one place, you don’t have to worry about that cost, and you can spend that money on different usages. Not only you save money, but you can also save time. If you travel from places to places, there are times that are wasted. However, if you stay in one place, you can use that time wisely to do something else.
             The last advantage in living in one town or city is that you get to know the people in that place better. It’s better to know a small amount of important people than to know a lot of people who are not really close to you. If you stay in one city or town, many people will recognize you and they will treat you nicely. However, if you are new to each towns and cities, at first, they might not be friendly to you because you are foreign to them. Therefore, I think that if you stay in one place, you can make the relationships better with the people around you.

             Living by traveling all around the world might be good, but I believe that if you stay in one place you can save money, get to know the people in one city well, and you can be an expert of that place. 

Quotes to live by

             Ten quotes that I live by. People follow different types of quotes that fit into their life. My ten quotes starts off with “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” This is a quote that I heard from elementary school from my parents. At first, I didn’t know that putting aside was a bad thing, however, there are times that I put aside what can be done. To be honest, there are times when I put aside blogs. I believe that putting aside is a bad thing and I should fix it.
             The next quote is “Never spend your money before you have it.” I think this is an important quote because there are times when you waste your money because you think that you have enough money. However, if you start using them and wasting them, that money would disappear quickly. You should save your money and use it later when you can afford to support yourself.
             The third quote is “When angry, count ten, before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.” This means that you should calm down when you get mad, because there is no good thing happening if you are angry and use that anger upon other people. If you are angry, you should control that anger by counting to 10, and even up to 100.
             The fourth quote is a quote that my family used as a quote to live by. It is, “If you don’t sweat, you can’t succeed.” Therefore you should always work hard and sweat. This is because if you work hard, you will have to sweat and this quote was made to say if you don’t work hard, you can’t succeed, which is true. Without hard work, you can’t succeed.
             The fifth quote is “When you can’t change the direction of the wind — adjust your sails.” by H. Jackson Brown. This is a quote that says if you can’t meet the standards of the environment, you should change your mind towards other possibilities. This is true because not everything will go as your will, and sometimes you need to think that there are other ways to your achievement and should quickly change your route by adjusting your sails.
             Sixth quote is “Always be true to your friends, just as you are to yourself.” This is a important quote because you should always treat your friends as your friends which are there until you die. You should be true to them because if you are not true to them, they won’t be true to you. You should tell the truth, and your friends should tell the truth.
             The seventh quote is “Sometimes, all it takes is your smile.” I believe that this is true because if you don’t smile, you can’t be happy. Even if you are sad, the least you should do is not smile because it will make you feel worse. However, if you smile, you will start to feel better. Therefore, you should always keep your smile on even in hard times.
             The eighth quote is “Your attitude defines your personality. Your personality refines your attitude. Together they make up your character.” You should change your attitude if people say that you have a bad attitude because if you have a bad attitude, you will have bad personality. They usually go together and you should keep the two things clean and good.
             The ninth quote is “In a world of words, anything is possible...” This is a quote that says if you read books, you will gain knowledge to do anything. This isn’t true, but I follow by it because it inspires me to read.
             The last quote is the most important and that is “Dreams come true.” Dreams are achievable and will come true if you truly believe in it.

             These ten quotes are the quotes that I live by on.  

Books I learned from.

           Today’s topic is: “Book I learned most from.” This is a hard topic because I never thought about this topic before. There are a lot of books that encouraged me and motivated me, but if I had to choose one book, I would choose SAT book. SAT is Standardized Achievement Test where you show off your English and math skills through critical thinking, math, and writing. This is so far the most influential book to me because it made me learn a lot of things. First, it taught me different types of vocabularies that I never knew or even heard before. Second, it made me have knowledge. Third, it made me concentrate and made me able to sit down and study for a long time.
           When I first heard about SAT, I hated it because at first it was the longest book that I’ve ever seen in my life. It looked like a bunch of hard words which I had no idea of the definition. However as I got to know SAT better, I knew that it would benefit me in a lot of ways. The first one is that I now learned a lot of definitions and made me read higher level books. At first, there were many vocabularies that I didn’t know. But as I started studying, I began memorizing words and definitions. It gave me a broader knowledge of the book. Before, I often skimmed through the words and only got the basic meaning of what the book meant. However, after I learned different words, I began to know a better meaning, and started to improve in the reading skill.
           Second good influence that I think of studying the SAT is that I gained knowledge as I study. The passages in the SAT critical reading are pieces differ from novels to other types. The more you read in the critical reading section, the higher score you will achieve. The higher score you will get, the better colleges and jobs you are going in.
           Third good influence that I think of studying the SAT is that it made me concentrate and made me able to sit down for a long time. If you become older, there are times when you need to keep on working no matter what, or when you need to finish a bunch of works in a short amount of time. In these two cases, you need to achieve it through experience. SAT has taught me these two important skill because in SAT, you have to focus about 4 hours until you finish. You can’t get out of the testing room just because you are tired, or you can’t wait 4 hours. Taking the SAT requires concentration and ability to sit down and not move. These two are important factors to succeed, and I learned it through the SAT books.

           There are many books that you can learn from, whether it be Bible, bibliography, or in my case, a SAT book. Some people might consider my book ridiculous. However, SAT books taught me three things. Taught me different types of vocabulary, gained knowledge over many fields, and it made me improve my concentration. I believe that SAT books are the most influential book in my life. 

Looks vs Ideas

           The blog topic for today is to determine if looks of a person are more important than a person’s ideas. Many people nowadays only focus on the visual part, and not the inner part. Most people think that if a person has good looks, they will succeed. However, this is not correct. In my opinion, the looks have no relations with a person’s success. Success can be achieved by a person who has no taste in fashion or have an ugly face. It can also be achieved by a young person or a old person. Success is determined by how the person thinks and how he or she acts. Good examples of successful people who have a “bad” look are Bill Gates and Mike Zuckerburg.
Mark Zuckerberg at the 37th G8 Summit in Deauville 018 v1.jpg           There are people who have bad looks but are successful which are Bill Gates and Mike Zuckerburg. When you see Bill Gates outside, which is unlikely, you can consider him as an old grandpa walking down the street. This is because he doesn’t have the good looks. However, if you ask a person or children who the most successful guy is in the world, he would be Bill Gates. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. He had a mind of an adult even when he was young. He liked to work and earn money. The first business he started was selling Coca-Cola. After he earned money, he got the weird feeling that he felt. This was the start of Bill Gate’s success. He had an idea which he could create a software where you can improve the computer qualities. He is considered the most successful guy because he has earned billions of dollars.
           Another example of a person who is not good looking but successful is Mike Zuckerburg. He is the founder of Facebook. When you look at him, he is not the person who you think is handsome. However, he is successful. I saw his movie and it showed that he wasn’t one of the famous kids. However, as he started the webpage of facebook, many people started to use the social network and soon later, students from other schools were using them. He had a mind of a genius because no one has ever thought of that idea before. When it first came out, he was amazed at how people used his webpage. He later fixed and improved the facebook where he made a column of information about the person. This lead people to update their status. Mike Zuckerburg is a good example of a person without good looks who are successful. He didn’t achieve his success through his looks, but through his thinking.

           Not everyone who succeeded have good looks. Some people might have no taste at wearing clothes, and some people might have an ugly face. However, looks is not a good way to identify a person’s success. Ideas and how the person thinks is a good way to identify success because it leads them to think of how they can make their invention better. It makes them think how they can succeed. 

True friends

           Today’s topic relates with friends. What is the three qualities of true friends? People think about this topic at least once in their life. Friends, in my perspective, are the most important thing that you need in your life. This is because you can rely on them if you have hard times, you can also share good news with them and laugh together. Now, the three qualities of true friends that I think of is trust, help, and share.
           True friends are the important factor in a person’s life because they not only are next to your side whenever you need them, but also they are ready to hear all the stories. The first quality of true friends is trust. Trusting a person might be hard, but if you know that you trust a friend, that friend is a true friend. I thought about trusting a friend and I came up with this conclusion that if you trust a person enough, you can trust them with your life. I thought of this as being on a cliff and someone holding on to you. If you trust a true friend, the friend won’t ever let go off your hands. However, if you don’t trust that person, you won’t be able to risk your life or give the chance away. Trusting is one quality of true friends.
           Another quality of true friends is helping. Helping is far the most important quality in my opinion. True friends will help you anytime no matter what. When you face difficult time, you always need a hand to rely on and a shoulder to rest your head on. True friends are the only ones who can provide a hand and a shoulder when you have a difficult situation. When I was in Korea, I had a friend who I thought was a true friend. However, when I actually needed his help, he wasn’t there. True friends will always be next to you no matter what happens.
           The last quality of true friends is sharing. This is also important because to be a true friend, you need to share your feelings and thoughts to them and try to relate them to yourself. A good or true friends start with a conversation, actually all relationships start with conversations. When you talk to someone, you always try to look at it on their perspective. This is a good quality of a true friend because if you share your feelings, the person would also feel the way you are feeling. There is a saying that if you share your happiness, it doubles, and if you share your worries and sorrows, it reduces to half. This is true because if you share a good feelings with your friends, it will make you and your friend both happy. If you share your worries and sorrows, they can take that feeling and try to move on with it together by suggesting resolutions.

           Friends are important in a person’s lives. There are friends who only try to get friends because they want to use them, and there are friends who are truly your friends. In distinguishing them, there are three qualities that I follow. Those three are trust, helping, and sharing. If you can do all three of these, then that friend is a true friend.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Human's Greatest Strength

             Today’s blog topic is deciding what the greatest strength of human is. In my opinion, I think that head and thinking is the greatest strength of a person. This is because with knowledge and intelligence, you can do many things, but with no knowledge, you won’t have many chances. Knowledge is considered the most important aspect of a person. There is an old saying in Korea which is that even if you go into the tiger’s den, if you have your mind all set, you can escape. All the people who succeeded have knowledge and has advanced and earned a lot of money through their knowledge. I believe that knowledge and intelligence is the most important and greatest strength of a human.
             Many people might think that strength and power is the greatest strength. However, I found out that there are so much things you can’t do with just only power. There are many people who think that they’ve got everything because their power. If it comes down to arguing, the person with power and strength will only trust in their punches or kicks. However, the person with intelligence might sort the things out and make the relationships better. The person with knowledge might tell him to calm down and explain what is going on and make him understand, and he might be able to change the person’s mind.
             Another reason why intelligence and knowledge is important is because it increases your social skill. When you go to college or any places where you are not used to, it is easy to get lost and feel isolated. However, if you have knowledge, you can relate that to the topics that the people are talking about and maybe get friends. With much diversity among people, knowledge is one key which you need to become friendly with the foreign people.
             When I was young, the usual saying that I got from my parents were that to gain respect and better treatments by fellow people is to gain knowledge. As I grew older, I started to believe and think that this is a correct saying. When you become older, you start to work in companies and factories. The thing that most companies look at is how you can use your knowledge. Knowledge is important because it can get you better opportunities in your field of work. The one thing that my parents focus on me is to get knowledge in foreign languages. They said that if you know more than 1 languages which is your first language, you can have a better job and better salary. This might be true because there are many companies who are looking for people who can speak different kinds of languages and who can get along with them easily. Especially in hotels, they look for people who can speak foreign languages because they need someone who can translate what the customer is saying.

             With the people challenging in the society for better jobs and respect, there are many things that you need to achieve and learn. In my opinion, what I think is that knowledge is the important key to achieving better jobs and respect. Not only it improves your social skills, but it also can get you respect over fellow workers or friends.