Thursday 8 August 2013

New Year's Resolution

         This is my first time writing a blog, so it wouldn’t sound all that nice. My first New Year’s Resolution is reduce the time I spend on the computer. Recently, I visited South Korea, and I’ve been in front of the computer for more than 5 hours a day. From doing that, I got many disadvantages. I’ve gained weight, and my eyesight became worse. I learned that there are no advantages from spending time on computer. It also takes time away from me. By not being in front of the computer for 5 hours, I could earn 5 hours to do something else. I could go out and exercise, read books, or just relax. There are sometimes that I need extra times. Just by reducing the amount of time on the computer, I would earn that much time. My goal for this year is that I would spend less time on the computer and more time on actual book readings. By reading books, you can earn knowledge and skills that you need in school. Therefore, this year, I’ve decided to reduce the time I spend on the computer and do something else productive.
         My second New Year’s Resolution is to have a better social relationship with others. As life goes on, there are times when you need a hand. In times like that, a good social relationship comes in handy. In order to do that, I would need to do more activities that deal with associating with other people. You can also live longer as you grow old because you can discuss your worries with other people. By doing this, you can reduce the amount of stress and worries by sharing the pain. If you associate with other people, you can improve your emotional intelligence. If you improve the emotional intelligence, you are more likely to be welcomed by other people. More people will feel closeness to you. Also, when you grow old, you can feel lonely and might get depressive disorder. If you socialize with other people, you are less likely to get depressive disorder. You can also ask for many advices to other people. You can avoid mistakes that other people did by listening to them and linking it to your life. You can set it as an example to follow if you face a hard time.
        My third New Year’s Resolution is to do my best in everything I could. There are times when you stress yourself for something that you did. You might also regret your choices. However, if you do your best in it, you know that that was the best choice that you could have made. When you give effort, you can achieve the feeling of accomplishment. There is a quote that says, “No pain, no gain.” According to this quote, if I do not do my best, there are no achievements to follow. In order to achieve a goal, you have to put in the effort and try your best. If you try your best in your life, there are no regrets. You can also get a better result because by pushing yourself to the limit, you are going over your restricted power. When you set goals and you do your best, you get the feeling of confidence. Og Mandino said, “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” He means that if you try your best, the work is going to pay off no matter what.  Since this is a New Year’s Resolution, I have decided to do my best in everything.


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